JC Tuition Singapore takes the utmost pride in our tutors. We are a team of passionate, experienced and approachable tutors who were once students from Junior Colleges (JC) too. Our tutors wanted to provide academic support, promote personal growth and build professional growth amongst students. Our tutors have the desire to teach and motivate every student to be better every day.
Get instant homework help, personalised tutoring and examination preparations from the tutors. If you are still unsure, why not book a session of a FREE TRIAL LESSON and tell us what you need help with. We will set up a study session for you and match a time slot that fits your schedule.
Our Junior College (JC) years can be a very enriching and enjoyable period, but with the ominous A Levels looming round the corner, we understand that it can cause a lot of stress as well. Lets face it, the A Level syllabus is not easy at all, and more often than not, we find ourselves staring at huge chunks of formulae, definitions, graphs and diagrams, paragraphs of words that do not make sense… and in tests and exams, sometimes we thought we had done enough to just PASS… and you get back a heavily disfigured test sheet with huge crosses, rabbit arrows with dots, underlined statements with question marks, and we don’t even know what went wrong!
What if we told you that A Level Chemistry, Economics and Physics doesn’t have to be so difficult?
We cannot guarantee that coveted ‘A’ grade, as we would be lying if we said we could! However, what we can definitely do, is to bring out the best in every student, and help them reach their full potential. While academic excellence has to be the focus, we also provide guidance in all other aspects of life, and we want to prepare all our students in the best possible way for the future.
Here’s a promise from us to all students, “You will have fun in class, we will build lasting relationships, and the friendships will go well beyond the classroom.”
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